Crowdsourcing Mornings Stuff

Crowdsourcing Mornings: Alicia Svigals Klezmer Fiddle Album

Welcome to the Crowdsourcing Mornings segment!  Every weekday morning, Geek Alabama talks about and features one crowdsourcing project from crowdsourcing sites such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and others.  The hope with Crowdsourcing Mornings is to feature and help a project be successful and reach its fundraising goal.  Please enjoy today’s featured project!

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I’m finally, finally, finally recording a followup to my 1997 debut album, Fidl! And I’m going to have the very best klezmer musicians in the world with me.

There aren’t real risks involved in the project, except for the possibility that I will be under-funded and take longer to raise money and complete the project. It costs about 20K to make an album these days, and that should be very doable given all of you, my wonderful fan base! Challenges – to not be a perfectionist, and trust the process!!


As of June 14th, this project has raised $11,000 of their $18,000 goal. This project has 18 days left to raise the $18,000 or it will not be funded. For a pledge of $20, you will get one digital album.  For a pledge of $25, you will get one signed CD.  To learn more and to pledge money, go to:

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