Crowdsourcing Mornings Stuff

Crowdsourcing Mornings: Preserve & Digitize 30,000 Historic New Orleans Newspapers

This is Crowdsourcing Mornings! This post takes place every weekday morning and highlights one crowdsourcing project I liked from Kickstarter, Indiegogo, or other crowdsourcing websites.

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We hold a one-of-a-kind, nearly continuous collection of 42 years of historic Daily Picayune and Times-Picayune newspapers which must be photographed and digitally archived before disaster or decay can claim them. A high-speed scanner for large, delicate documents is being held for us at a bargain price. Help us continue this vital process today and build a system to deliver the news… a second time.

Our next major undertaking is to scan and digitize the entire New Orleans DNA holdings–over 500,000 sides of newsprint & special supplements, mostly from The Daily Picayune and Times-Picayune from 1888-1929, a collection unrivaled in both continuity and condition.  As the Times-Picayune published its final issue on June 30, 2019, we are reminded that the storied era of paper publishing is drawing to a close. Without proper preservation and digitization, the publications that have been generated over the last 150 years will be, quite literally, left in the dust–rotting in private collections and musty library basements. Let’s not let that happen to this collection!

As of July 22nd, this project has raised $4,500 of their $20,000 goal. This project has 14 days left to raise the $20,000 or it will not be funded. For a pledge of $5, you will get one button.  For a pledge of $15, you will get one 8×10 historic postcard reproduction.  To learn more and to pledge money, go to:

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