Animation Talk Stuff

Animation Monday: The Wingfeather Saga | Season 2 | Official Teaser

Welcome to the Animation Monday segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Animation Monday will feature stuff from the animation and cartoon worlds. Animation has become an extremely popular format in today’s media driven world. And we here at Geek Alabama love to feature animation content!

Watch the official teaser for Season 2 of The Wingfeather Saga!

The Wingfeather Saga is an epic fantasy series that follows the adventures of the three Igiby children as they journey to uncover the truth about their family’s past and their rightful place in the kingdom of Aerwiar.

The Wingfeather Saga, based on Andrew Peterson’s best-selling books, is the largest crowdfunded animated series in history. With the wit of Princess Bride and the immersive world of The Lord of the Rings, The Wingfeather Saga offers something for the whole family to enjoy.

With its fast-paced action, memorable characters, and themes of courage and perseverance, The Wingfeather Saga is a must-read for fans of fantasy and adventure. So join Janner, Tink, and Leif on their epic quest and discover the true meaning of bravery and sacrifice.

The series pulls together a nail-biting story, an incredible fantasy world, and episodes your whole family will talk about.

Learn more at:


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