Food Talk & Reviews Stuff

Foodie Saturdays: How A Burger Scholar Built The Perfect Hamburger Restaurant

Welcome to the Foodie Saturdays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Foodie Saturdays will feature food related content. We here at Geek Alabama will make foodies out there very happy when we feature a video or post all about food, eating food, or making food.

After decades of writing books, making films, and starring in his own shows, America’s foremost Burger Scholar, George Motz, has used his vast knowledge to build the ideal hamburger restaurant in NYC. Drawing influence from hundreds of burger joints across the country, Hamburger America is a living piece of history and the ultimate love letter to the regional American hamburger. In this documentary, you’ll learn how Motz built his dream restaurant from the ground up, and more importantly, the inspiring origin story of George, a.k.a. YouTube’s National Treasure.

And a bonus, YouTube channel UA Eats reviews Hamburger America.

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