Pets And Animals Stuff

Geek Alabama Pets: WIENERZILLA – Attack Of The (Adorable) Giant Wiener Dog

Welcome to the Geek Alabama Pets segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Geek Alabama Pets will feature an interesting video or post about our wonderful pets and animals including dogs and cats. Any creature considered being an pet including dogs, cats, horses, birds, reptiles, or other animals brings smiles and comforts to us humans. And we here at Geek Alabama love pets content!

If you’re a fan of Godzilla and dogs then get ready for WIENERZILLA, the wiener dog Dogzilla!

The film starts with Crusoe, the adorable giant monster wiener dog walking down a quiet city street, when he comes up to the sniff the window of an unsuspecting girl and her father.

After his happy tail wag at the sight of a hot dog cart sends the girl and her father flying, they decide to embark on a mission to stop the giant dachshund at all costs.

So the race is on to save the city from the rampage of Wienerzilla Dogzilla, attempting to lure the big dachshund with a squeaky ball to the right spot for an ambush!

Will it work? How will they defeat Wienerzilla? Watch to find out, and enjoy!

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