Animation Talk Stuff

Animation Monday: The Oscars Are Officially RIGGED Against Animation

Welcome to the Animation Monday segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Animation Monday will feature stuff from the animation and cartoon worlds. Animation has become an extremely popular format in today’s media driven world. And we here at Geek Alabama love to feature animation content!

The Oscars 2022 once again pushed animation to the side, claiming that it’s just for kids. The Oscars has a history of disrespecting the medium, and now we have some disappointing new info about what happened behind the scenes. Phil Lord and Chris Miller talk about it.

Best Animated Picture has only been a staple at The Oscars for two decades. Unfortunately, animated movies (other than Beauty and the Beast, Up, and Toy Story 3) don’t end up nominated in the Best Picture category. What’s going on? Why aren’t The Oscars giving animation a chance?  See this video from YouTube channel Vailskibum94.

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