Roadscapes Stuff

Roadscapes Wednesday: The Differences Between Interstates, Freeways, And Highways

Welcome to the Roadscapes Wednesday segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Roadscapes Wednesday will feature roads and infrastructure related topics. Geek Alabama Editor / Publisher Nathan Young is often called the “road geek” for a good reason, Nathan loves roads and loves talking about roads!

Highways in America are a very major part of every resident’s daily life. Car ownership in the country has risen to over 91%, and it doesn’t seem to be decreasing. Now if you’re watching this video, you probably have enough interest and knowledge about geography that you know the general differences, but I still think it’s interesting to learn about the more exact facts and divisions related to this topic. I’ll also go into the more regional picture, and talk about which states call it what, and how some cities culturally differentiate from each other in regards to vocabulary.

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