Crowdsourcing Mornings Stuff

Crowdsourcing Mornings: What’s Next? – Finishing Funds

Welcome to the Crowdsourcing Mornings segment!  Every weekday morning, Geek Alabama talks about and features one crowdsourcing project from crowdsourcing sites such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and others.  The hope with Crowdsourcing Mornings is to feature and help a project be successful and reach its fundraising goal.  Please enjoy today’s featured project!

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WHAT’S NEXT? is a feature documentary about Dr. Howard Tucker, a practicing physician, who just turned 101 years old earlier in July. He became a star on TikTok at the age of 100. WHAT’S NEXT? is not only about Dr. Tucker, but also about the collective relevance, competence, and wisdom of our seniors – who are too often overlooked and undervalued.

Dr. Tucker is – according to Guinness World Records – the world’s oldest practicing physician. For over seven decades, the good doctor has pursued his 3 main passions: caring for patients, saving lives, and teaching the next generation of medical caregivers.

He grew up during the Great Depression. He served during WWII. He began practicing medicine before the invention of CT and MRI scans. He was the Chief of Neurology for the U.S. Atlantic Fleet in the Korean War. As a doctor in Cleveland, he has treated thousands of patients that have included celebs, rock stars, and even mobsters. He became a lawyer at the age of 67.

The film underscores Dr. Tucker’s relevance – even during the recent pandemic, he was on the front lines serving patients. It also underscores his growth – he found fame on TikTok at the age of 100, still uses his NordicTrack skier 30 minutes every day and says he is not ready to slow down. He says: “Retirement is the enemy of longevity.”

Welcome to the Kickstarter campaign for WHAT’S NEXT? – a feature-length documentary chronicling one year in the life of a remarkable and productive centenarian who seems to be able to do anything — except figure how to work his darn iPhone!  The film informs with anecdotes about medicine, its evolution, and the brain, it entertains with Dr. Howard Tucker’s wisdom and wit, it is uplifting and inspirational as it spotlights his family relationships. It also spotlights his struggles with aging and maintaining the relevance he’s had through his life. As it does so, the film provides much-needed lessons about longevity, vitality, independence, and the immense value of our senior population, something we underestimate far too often.

Taylor Taglianetti and Austin Tucker are young filmmakers who have primarily financed this production to date, out of limited personal funds. They began this process during the pandemic. They have come to Kickstarter to raise finishing funds. They look forward to sharing the finished film with Dr. Tucker, and he looks forward to enjoying it.


As of July 21st, this project has raised $10,600 of their $61,500 goal. This project has 27 days left to raise the $61,500 or it will not be funded. For a pledge of $20, you will get a digital link to the film.  For a pledge of $28, you will get a download of the film.  To learn more and to pledge money, go to:

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