Music Talk Stuff

Music Thursdays: Addy’s Wish, Molly Kate Kestner, Ten Second Songs

Geek Alabama Music Thursdays

This week on Music Thursdays, I am talking about three different music videos that are great!  And you should watch them!

Addy’s Wish

This music video is just amazing!  The Make-A-Wish foundation made a wish come true of 5-year-old Addy.  Wish kid Addy is like many little girls her age.  She loves cotton candy, chocolate chip ice cream, sparkles, rainbows, reading and coloring, particularly with pink and purple.  Unlike many little girls, however, Addy was diagnosed at age four with stage IV kidney cancer.  During her long hospital visits, chemotherapy and radiation treatments, Addy would spend hours drawing and, when she felt up for it, practicing her singing and dancing.  Addy took inspiration from an array of performances by her favorite musicians on YouTube.

The great news, is Addy has beaten cancer!  And to celebrate her victory, Make-A-Wish Mid-Atlantic teamed up with Blue Sky Films to make a music video of the song “Roar” by Katy Perry.  I liked the dress and purple wig in the video!

Molly Kate Kestner

With over five million views now on YouTube, many people are calling this person the next Adele.  Molly Kate Kestner is a teenager from Minnesota and she recorded and posted her original song called “His Daughter” on YouTube a few weeks ago, and it is very heart wrenching!  Molly wrote this song over a year ago and saved it for her Senior Solo, but since that has come and passed, she has now recorded this on YouTube!  I wish you success Molly!

Ten Second Songs

In this new YouTube channel called Ten Second Songs, Anthony Vincent is the voice of Ten Second Songs, and he makes custom songs made in any style.   His first video was the Katy Perry song “Dark Horse”, sang in 20 different styles, and his newest video is Jason Derulo’s “Talk Dirty”, sung in 20 different styles!  He does a great job, enjoy!

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