Disability Talk Stuff

Disability Awesome: Caleb Adams YouTube Channel About Lego’s

Welcome to the Disability Awesome segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Disability Awesome will feature a person or persons with mental and / or physical disabilities who are doing awesome and great things! As editor / publisher Nathan Young has an disability (Autism), we here at Geek Alabama love it when others when disabilities do great things!

Caleb Adams runs a YouTube channel all about Lego’s and life.  Caleb has Alstrom Syndrome, and those with this condition have a short life expectancy.  Caleb is now in his 20’s and his goal is to have a thriving YouTube channel.

He loves to build things out of Lego’s.  This video is all about learning about Caleb.


And here are some videos of his Lego builds.  You can subscribe to his YouTube channel, his goal is to gain many subscribers.

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