Gaming Talk Stuff

See How Video Games Can Enhance Education

Gone are the days when video games were considered just a fun way to kill boredom and something to do in your leisure time. Gamification has become present in all industries and sectors, including education. Learning through the use of video games is a popular teaching method today and one of the most favored teaching tools that students love. 

This is thanks to the powerful and positive impact that video games can have on our learning experience. When used in a controlled and guided environment, games are brilliant for enhancing education. Let’s see how.


Boosting Motivation 

Name one student that can learn productively without motivation. There aren’t any! Motivation is one of the key elements of successful learning, according to 46% of students questioned in a recent study. It’s one of the main engines for efficient study sessions or classes.

Luckily, games make learning fun and interesting and boost the motivation of students significantly. Knowing that there’s something unexpected and entertaining waiting for them in class, students will come fully alert and ready to take an active part.


Improving Critical Thinking

Sometimes, the problem with young students is that they haven’t learned to look at their class materials critically. All they do is read, try to memorize, and retell every word of their lessons. 

But, games for study introduce a change in this process. They make the students use critical thinking.

This is done through typical game elements like:

  • puzzle solving
  • strategizing
  • making judgment calls

Students are naturally drawn into using all their brain power to move on to the next level, get a reward, or win a bonus.


Developing Specific Skills

Today, we have games and apps that are designed to develop very specific skills in students. They aim to create a learning environment in which a student focuses solely on one area of their expertise and slowly nurtures those skills.

With such games, teachers get to dedicate their attention to individual students and provide them with a rather personalized experience.

There are games for almost any skill, including calculus, geometry, biology, language, writing, and more.  Writing Universe is an additional great resource for those who want to practice writing. 


Stimulating Visual Memory

Different types of students acquire knowledge using various methods. Some do it through reading out loud, writing things down, creating flashcards, or sketching their ideas into mind maps. For those who are visual learners, games are a perfect way to study.

Games help stimulate visual memory by actively engaging this part of the brain during play. Students need to pay their full attention to what they see on the screen and respond promptly.

As a result, their visual memory is sharpened, and they get to apply it later on when studying any subject.


Strengthened Teamwork

Students often encounter team projects and need to learn how to work together. This is important for all levels of education, from kindergarten to college. Knowing how to cooperate, use each other’s strengths, and rely on each other is important for group problem-solving.

This is when teachers use multiplayer games and encourage students to collaborate to reach a goal. Plus, if the teachers throw in some competition between the teams, additional motivation will become present with all students.


Improving Creativity

Finally, we mustn’t forget about creativity and the importance of nurturing it with students. Students need to be able to use their own ideas and imagination to shape ideas and opinions and acquire knowledge the right way.

There are tons of games that are designed to fully include the players in how the game goes. Creating their avatars, choosing levels, and building their worlds, all significantly improves students’ creativity.


Final Thoughts

Games are no longer a taboo, nor something considered harmful for children and young students. They do need to be carefully selected and played in a guided environment. Still, the power of gamification in education is immense and thus welcomed by teachers and parents globally. 

Hopefully, our guide motivates you to start learning games in education, whether you’re a teacher, student, or parent. 


Author’s Bio

Josh Garner is a college professor and a gaming enthusiast. He blogs about the power of technology in education and aims to help educators around the world find the best tools and methods to teach their classes.

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