Crowdsourcing Mornings Stuff

Crowdsourcing Mornings: FemTek: The First Menstrual Health Focused Smart Ring

Welcome to the Crowdsourcing Mornings segment!  Every weekday morning, Geek Alabama talks about and features one crowdsourcing project from crowdsourcing sites such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and others.  The hope with Crowdsourcing Mornings is to feature and help a project be successful and reach its fundraising goal.  Please enjoy today’s featured project!

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Femtek’s Basal Body Ring is the first menstrual health focused smart ring, allowing you to take control of your flow with data that drives you forward.  Traditional wearables build their tech around a heavily male-centric model of research and science; they don’t build their tech around women’s research, helping women know themselves better than ever before, or around women’s menstrual cycles. More often than not, menstrual cycles are completely excluded from the user experience because of the layer of complexity it adds. Traditional wearables are limited to who they can help, and even more limited with what they can do.

Software-only models for cycle tracking lack the biometrics necessary to confirm where users are in their menstrual cycle – too often do they incorrectly label “fertile windows” or “expected cycle” lengths based on algorithms that aren’t intuitive to your own cycle and changes. Without a temperature component to confirm ovulation, software only models will never be able to provide accurate cycle predictions.

The hormonal dance that occurs for women in their menstrual cycles, heavily dictates energy, mood, training ability, and strength. When this is ignored, the unique experiences that occur through the menstrual cycle are flatlined and completely ignored in software and wearables.

Femtek was built and birthed into the world by women, for women.

Our Basal Body Ring (BBRing) is based on the female model and female research, and has females at the focal point of its vision.

The BBRing is not just a smart ring – it is so much more than that. Femtek’s Cycle Tracking app will provide you with data that helps you take control of your flow, optimize major areas of your life, and revolutionize your body literacy.

As of February 21st, this project has raised $85,000 of their $18,744 goal. This project has 9 days left to raise as much as it can. For a pledge of $200, you will get one body ring.  For a pledge of $398, you will get two body rings.  To learn more and to pledge money, go to:

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