Event Coverage Stuff

Pictures And Video From The 2017 US Canine Biathlon In Anniston

Another event that recently happened in the former Fort McClellan in Anniston was the 2017 US Canine Biathlon.  This event features a human and their dog going on a four mile obstacle course featuring things like crawling through a pipe, walking in a creek or mud, climbing over walls, and much more!

The event included live music, dog vendors, hiking trails, nearby camping, BBQ & food vendors, and professional photography.  The event mainly featured military, search & rescue, and police dog teams, but civilians were also allowed to participate!  Below are a video and pictures from the event!  Learn more at: http://uscaninebiathlon.com/

You can also find photos on the Geek Alabama Facebook page, Google Photos, and on Flickr too!

Videos can be found on the Nathan Young (Geek Alabama) YouTube channel and most videos can be found on the Geek Alabama Facebook page too!

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