Crowdsourcing Mornings Stuff

Crowdsourcing Mornings: Web Awesome

Welcome to the Crowdsourcing Mornings segment!  Every weekday morning, Geek Alabama talks about and features one crowdsourcing project from crowdsourcing sites such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and others.  The hope with Crowdsourcing Mornings is to feature and help a project be successful and reach its fundraising goal.  Please enjoy today’s featured project!

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Web Awesome is the fancy pants new name for Shoelace, the most popular free and open source library of web components. (Shoelace and its creator, Cory LaViska, joined Font Awesome back in 2022.)

Drop Web Awesome components in on any site, and they’ll just work. Since they’re built using web standards, no JavaScript frameworks are required. But Web Awesome works great with them all!

Web Awesome provides a collection of meticulously designed, highly customizable UI components built on a framework agnostic technology. Why spend hundreds of hours (or more) building a design system from scratch? Why make a component library that only works with one framework?

With Web Awesome, you can:

  • Start building faster (no need to roll your own buttons)
  • Build multiple apps with different frameworks that all share the same UI components
  • Fully customize components to match your existing designs
  • Incrementally adopt components as needed (no need to ditch your framework)
  • Upgrade or switch frameworks without rebuilding foundational components

Version 3.0 now comes with more Awesome than ever before, including improved accessibility, usability, and performance. AND our new theming API makes it easier than ever to manually theme your components!

Web Awesome, like Shoelace before it, contains a large library of the most commonly needed web components, with even more planned as part of this Kickstarter.


As of April 24th, this project has raised $578,000 of their $30,000 goal. This project has 1 days left to raise as much as it can. For a pledge of $49, you will get a 6 month pro subscription.  For a pledge of $68, you will get a 12 month pro subscription.  To learn more and to pledge money, go to:

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