Food Talk & Reviews Stuff

Foodie Saturdays: The Secret History Of America’s Fast Food Burgers

Welcome to the Foodie Saturdays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Foodie Saturdays will feature food related content. We here at Geek Alabama will make foodies out there very happy when we feature a video or post all about food, eating food, or making food.

Did you know that your favorite fast-food burgers were likely inspired by small town mom-and-pop joints? That’s why Burger Scholar George Motz is on a mission to make sure you appreciate the surprising roots of America’s fast food burger chains! And he’s not doing it alone. In this episode, Motz and Last Meals host Mythical Chef Josh make three historical burgers that inspired fast-food giants: Wendy’s, Cheesecake Factory, and Steak N Shake. Think of these as the primary source burgers that begat burger empires; the neighborhood favorites that spawned international icons!

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