Crowdsourcing Mornings Stuff

Crowdsourcing Mornings: Kakistocracy Audiobook

Welcome to the Crowdsourcing Mornings segment!  Every weekday morning, Geek Alabama talks about and features one crowdsourcing project from crowdsourcing sites such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and others.  The hope with Crowdsourcing Mornings is to feature and help a project be successful and reach its fundraising goal.  Please enjoy today’s featured project!

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If you’re a fan of snarky urban fantasy series like the Dresden Files, Rivers of London, or Nightside and/or action comedies like Men in BlackKakistocracy is for you.

Book 1: The Middling Affliction

Conrad Brent protects Brooklyn from monsters and magical threats. When his deepest secret is uncovered and he loses everything, can he save the very people who rejected him from an arcane plague that threatens to expunge their magic?

Read chapter 1 here.

Book 2: Kakistocracy

Conrad’s boss is missing, there’s a new, totalitarian regime in City Hall oppressing all magic users, and the mayor has aligned himself with a diabolical villain.

In order to save the day, Conrad must team up with a recovering necromancer to mediate a dispute between two ancient enemy factions, solve the mystery of a warded house adjacent to a cemetery, and stand with his friends against tyranny.

That is, if the interdimensional fae assassins don’t get him first.


As of June 22nd, this project has raised $2,100 of their $2,500 goal. This project has 1 days left to raise the $2,500 or it will not be funded. For a pledge of $15, you will get one audiobook.  For a pledge of $30, you will get a digital bundle.  To learn more and to pledge money, go to:

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