Animation Talk Stuff

Here Are 15 Compelling Arguments For Why All Parents Should Allow Their Kids To Watch Anime


1.   Vote on the most important parenting goals you have:

You would be mistaken if you assumed that only mature audiences would like anime. Anime isn’t just fun for kids because it’s amusing; it also teaches them important lessons that no other medium can equal. Therefore, what are the advantages of allowing children to watch anime, other than relieving parents of the burden of constant entertainment? To begin, as a cultural export from Japan, anime introduces young Western audiences to many facets of Asian culture, and historical animation gives students a history lesson without cracking open a textbook. Because of the subtlety and complexity of anime, it may be used as a teaching tool for teaching critical thinking and providing guidance on more serious topics like relationships and death.

Instead of putting their kids in front of the TV or computer, parents would do well to sit down with them and watch an episode of anime, since the lessons they would learn would be much improved by the opportunity for interaction. It’s a great way to bond as a family and teach valuable lessons that can be applied to everyone, not just the kids.


2.   To figure out how to grow from setbacks:

Anime characters can serve as good role models for the contemporary problem of growing up: learning to accept defeat with dignity. There is an equal chance of tragedy or success for anime protagonists. It’s crucial that they never give up and keep coming back at it with fresh ideas and strategies. The protagonist of Shouwa Genroku learns about himself via contemplation and analysis. Kikuhiko, a rakugo beginner who is now a rakugo master, becomes a Shinjuu. The main character of Shirobako, Shizuka, has a tough time being hired as a voice actor, but her determination in the face of repeated rejections is what keeps the show compelling.

Anime often shows the collapse of a hero who tries to do too much. The protagonist of “One Punch Man,” Saitama, is often bored due to the monotony of his everyday life. In Yuri!!! on ICE, the main character, JJ Leroy, is so used to success in figure skating that he goes into a panic when he suffers his first major defeat. Anime teaches you how to handle setbacks with dignity and perseverance, especially at an early age when everyone finds it hard.


3.   Anime is a gateway to the fantastic:

If you don’t find any value in anime as a creative medium, you might benefit from seeking your own particular sources of anime inspiration. In the same way that most media can be consumed passively, the impacts of anime on children continue long after they have stopped watching. Kids who enjoy a show will find ways to express their devotion to it, whether it’s through fan art, fan writing, or even cosplay. Students can do this independently, and there is a large online community of fans with whom they can share and discuss their work. Making up a Pokémon adventure and sharing it with the world is a lot of fun, but it also serves as a great opportunity to hone your writing skills. Anime is a great way to express oneself creatively and gain experience in the arts.


4.   Lessons about Perseverance from Anime:

Success in any endeavor requires the ability to persevere despite adversity and see a project through to completion. Characters in many anime have to face challenges before they can reach their ultimate goal. In order to achieve their goals, the protagonists in anime consistently exert tremendous effort, whether it be to reunite their soul with their body (like in Noragami) or to get admission to the prestigious UA High School (as in My Hero Academia). Unlike shows like Dora the Explorer, in which each episode stands on its own, the plot of an anime series progresses chronologically, allowing viewers to witness a character’s development through time.

Watching an anime and sticking with it teaches kids perseverance and patience. There are TV shows that are neatly wrapped up in 12 episodes, and there are others that go on for decades. As an illustration, Bleach has 366 episodes. In all, there were 366 episodes. You may be putting in a lot of viewing hours, but it’s time well spent. Even though there are filler episodes, seeing the whole thing will teach you to push through adversity in order to reach the promised land of a fantastic story. Although Anna Karenina is a fantastic book overall, there are certain slow spots that, if you can’t get over them, will ruin the experience for you.


5.   Friendship is emphasized throughout anime:

The skills needed to create and maintain friendships are essential throughout life, and viewing anime can help young people develop these skills. Nothing beats a marathon viewing session of your favorite anime with your closest buddies. However, youngsters can learn a lot about friendship on their own through watching anime. The protagonists of Fairy Tale are kept fighting when all seems lost thanks to their strong sense of solidarity. In the manga and anime Anohana, a close-knit circle of friends is torn apart by the accidental death of one of their own, Menma. Following a sad event that brings the gang back together, the show chronicles their efforts to go on with their lives. The value of having a partner during the tough times, enjoying each other’s company when things are going well, and resolving differences constructively is emphasized in these and similar shows.


6.   Fostering Children’s Empathy and Comprehension:

Children do not have empathy by default; rather, it is something that can be taught to them through interaction with the world and exposure to other points of view. To what end, then, can anime serve as a potent tool for encouraging empathy? Your child will have to make an effort to empathize with someone from a different culture when they watch anime if they are not native Japanese speakers living in Japan. Depending on the series, children can gain an understanding of Japan and identify with the characters because of their shared experiences. This theme extends beyond mere cultural differences, as anime has viewers empathize with a wide spectrum of characters, from teenagers with emotional management issues in My Little Monster to ghouls that suck human flesh in Tokyo Ghoul.


7.   Anime is a window into Japanese society and culture

Anime is a great way to learn about Japanese culture. Cartoons like Chihayafuru’s portrayal of the Japanese card game karuta are an excellent way to educate young people to easily understandable facets of Japanese culture. Several anime also provides glimpses into Japanese history, from the time of the samurai (Rurouni Kenshin) to World War II (Grave of the Fireflies).

Keep in mind that many generalisations about Japanese people and their culture come from anime, so keep that in mind. Even while most Japanese youths don’t actually live on their own, anime commonly depicts them doing so. This kind of disparity is a great way to teach young people youjo senki that they can’t generalize about a culture solely on its media.


8.   Cartoons may teach us a lot about the worth of planning:

Contrary to popular belief, many anime actually does place an emphasis on critical thinking skills, unlike many kid-oriented shows. Popular shows like Death Note and No Game, No Life cater primarily to a younger demographic. In Death Note, two strategic geniuses, L and Light, compete against one another in an intricate mental battle. The remarkable strategic skills of Sora and Shiro are on full show in No Game No Life when they are teamed up to play games. Both books are fantastic for helping kids learn to think abstractly and for introducing them to forms of entertainment that go beyond the typical question-and-answer routine.


9.   Toons are the most popular form of animation:

Many children learn to accept their fate as it is, never dreaming of making a difference in their lives or the world around them. Though maturing into an adult is difficult in and of itself, children face additional difficulties, such as moving, puberty, and the death of a loved one, on top of the countless socioeconomic and cultural issues that plague humankind. Students, like adults, will not exert the effort required to achieve their goals if they do not believe they can do so. It’s not always simple to find upbeat accounts of students making a positive impact in the world. That’s a void that anime gladly fills.

Many anime shows center on child or adolescent protagonists. Anime is full of examples of young people making a difference in the world for the better, such as the youngsters of Digimon who safeguard both Earth and the Digital World and the youths of Neon Genesis Evangelion who protect Earth from alien invasion. In Spirited Away, the protagonist, Chihiro, is a 10-year-old girl who strives to rescue her parents and herself from the spirit world.


10.   An active way of life is advocated for:

Most adults advocate for their children to get as much exercise as possible. Spending time in front of a screen may seem counterintuitive, but anime has a way of making even the most routine activities exciting and entertaining. There’s a whole genre of anime geared to getting kids hyped up about sports, so even if your kid isn’t naturally sporty, they can still benefit from watching it. You can bet that if it’s a sport or other form of physical activity, there’s an anime about it. Yowamushi Pedal is an excellent illustration since it shows kids how fun cycling can be and also teaches them the fundamentals of cycling. I really, really, really hope your kid will be interested in volleyball. Let’s see some Haikyuu! Intent on convincing them to take the plunge? Start Right Away Without Spending Any Money


11.  Anime as a Force for Good

In your human form, you control the fate of Earth’s ecosystems. In anime, a single person’s actions can have a significant impact on the entire world. A wide variety of anime, from older works like Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind and Princess Mononoke to modern works like Mushishi and Silver Spoon, highlight the need of conservation in a way that continues to appeal to young audiences.


12.  Anime has provided role models:

Parents of daughters may worry about the lack of positive role models for their daughters in popular culture. There are many powerful female characters in anime who could serve as role models in addition to Wonder Woman. Sailor Moon and the other Sailor Scouts are a group of teenage girls who set themselves apart by having the responsibility of safeguarding the planet. The protagonist of Michiko to Hatchin, Michiko Malandro, is a fascinating woman who travels the world on a motorcycle with her principled and dedicated daughter, Hana. And while Wandering Son shows a young trans child with the fortitude and courage to realize her gender, Steins; Gate follows a famous female scientist who published a ground-breaking paper on time travel. A lot of strong female characters may be found in anime.

If you watch it as a group, even the boring sections will teach you something.

The same problems that plague other forms of media also plague anime. On the other hand, anime offers a low-risk entrance point for broaching serious topics with young viewers. Let’s say you and your kid are sitting down to watch Gintama. Although the show is wonderfully enjoyable, there are several questionable plot points in Gintama. Such transphobic “man in a dress” humor as well as the entire episode in which the main character rips on a side character for being fat are examples. If you watch it with your kid, you may explain why those behaviors are unacceptable and why people generally frown upon them.


13.  Children that watch anime are more likely to read:

Counter to popular belief, watching anime on TV can make you want to pick up a book. Because it is originally produced in Japanese and only a fraction of the world’s population is fluent in that language, anime is often seen with English subtitles. With the ever-increasing demand for anime, many different languages’ subtitles have been made accessible so that kids can improve their reading skills while still enjoying their favorite shows.

If you choose to watch dubbed anime with your kids, don’t worry; they’ll still get plenty of opportunities to practice reading. Although many anime series draw inspiration from manga and light novels, the plots that appear on screen frequently deviate dramatically from the original source material. If your kid is interested in knowing what occurs in Fruits Basket, he or she will read the manga.


14.  That’s the norm among their friends and acquaintances:

For those with a more open mind, this may not seem like a compelling argument in favor of exposing their children to anime. Despite this, anime’s popularity keeps skyrocketing, and there’s no sign that it’ll slow down anytime soon. So, otaku culture has graduated from the world of nerd culture and entered the mainstream in the United States. Kids today are just as likely to recognize Pikachu or Sailor Moon as they were Mickey Mouse or Buzz Light-year. The process of “becoming a socialized person” is simplified when parents give their children permission to watch anime since it gives them a shared interest with their peers. And what if their mates aren’t digging it? In such case, your source of pride can be the one to tell their pals about it.


15.   Watching anime can teach young viewers valuable lessons:

Although there are many tired tropes in the anime romance genre, such as irrational harems and pursuing a spurned lover, the medium can also show many unique and nuanced relationships. Case in point: Sig and Izumi Curtis from Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood. They’ve been married for several years, but they still act like newlyweds. Despite the loss of their child and Izumi’s health due to an alchemical accident, their love for one another remains unshaken.

Furthermore, while LGBT relationship depictions are relatively uncommon in anime, there are a small number of high-quality series that deal with the issue. The massive popularity of Yuri!!! on ICE, which centers on the engagement of a gay couple of different races, suggests that more stories about such relationships are on the way.

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