Tips And Advice Stuff

Improving Your Home & Health With Flowers And Houseplants

These days, an ever-growing number of people are discovering the wonders of keeping plants in the home. Not only can vibrant blossoms or rich green foliage add a beautiful dash of color to your household, but many plants can bring some lesser-known (but equally important) health benefits to their housemates, such as a calmer mindset or even better quality air.



Lavender is a gorgeous flowering member of the mint family of plants, and it’s treasured as much for its captivating silver-lilac appearance as for its soothing, aromatic scent. It is often used in body/skincare products such as moisturizers and soaps.

Courtesy of both its pretty looks and its delightful smell, it is also renowned for its calming, stress-relieving effects, supposedly offering the benefit of slowing the heart rate and lowering blood pressure.

While it will be content growing nearly anywhere in the home, it does especially well in a window where it can get plenty of sunlight. If you want to take advantage of its sleep improving qualities to maximize the benefit of your rest time, consider a bedroom windowsill if available.

“There’s also scientific evidence showing that the essential oil extracted from lavender is beneficial as a home remedy for promoting the healing of minor burns and other surface-level injuries.

All in all, it’s a gorgeous and useful houseplant that can transform a room through scent and aesthetics, and it will bring many benefits to your home” says Jake Kelley, a lifestyle writer at UK Writings and Best Australian Writers.



Much like lavender, jasmine has a soft, sweet fragrance that can offer many benefits to your sleep and restfulness when positioned near the bed. Along with its gentle aroma, it has stunning, snow-colored petals that allow it to brighten up any indoor space, not just in scent, but in appearance too.

Generally considered easy to grow, jasmines are a great choice if you aren’t very experienced with houseplants, or if you want a low-maintenance option.


Spider Plants

One of the easiest houseplants to keep thriving and flourishing, spider plants are perfect for any fledgling home-botanist thanks to their innate resilience and flexibility, though they also have plenty of benefits to offer any seasoned plant parent as well.

Natural hardiness aside, a huge boon in the spider plant’s repertoire is the effect they have on the air quality. They are fantastic at removing toxins and pollutants from the surrounding environment during their respiration.

On top of both those strengths, another great aspect of spider plants is how incredibly easy they are to propagate; assuming you keep your spider plant in reasonably good health, it will gradually form smaller ‘pups’, miniature replicas of the adult plant.

If you allow these to mature slightly on their stalks, you can then separate them off entirely and repot them, yielding another healthy, air-cleaning spider plant to place elsewhere in your home, or even gift to a friend.

Spider plants are among the most popular houseplants, and you can get ones with variegated leaves as well as beautiful emerald green sort.


Peace Lilies

Renowned as a NASA favorite for its air-cleaning capabilities, the peace lily has pointy, white blooms that poke upwards from its verdant foliage. “Peace lilies can allegedly help improve air cleanliness by a staggering 60%, and even if you discount this very tangible benefit, the striking appearance of their flowers makes introducing them to your home a surefire way to help build a more tranquil, relaxing atmosphere where you live” says John Kelley, a gardener and blogger at Academ Advisor and Via Writing.


Rubber Plants

If you want a plant that can remove formaldehyde from the air, the rubber plant is the perfect option for your home. These dramatic and impressive plants are beautiful to look at, but they also deal with airborne toxins.

Apart from the occasional need to dust and water them, these plants require minimal care, and they look great in any room in the house!


With all the resources available online nowadays, there’s never been a better time to sink your teeth into building your own home garden, and your body will thank you for it every bit as much as your mind. Hopefully, this guide has provided you with some bright new ideas about how you can liven up your home using nothing more than a modest assortment of flora.


Sara Sparrow is a writer and editor at Top Essay Writing services and Top Canadian Writers. She is also a contributing writer for Best assignment services. As a content writer, she writes articles about tech trends, coding, and job search trends.

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