Interesting Stuff

How Writing Regularly Can Improve Your Creativity And Clarity

Did you know that the difference between the amateur and the professional is in their habits? Successful people are willing to engage in activities that unsuccessful people are unwilling to engage or participate in.

Similarly, successful writers write every day where unsuccessful writers will never start, or if they do, they’ll stop within a few days. What if we told you that writing regularly has many benefits for your creativity and clarity of mind?

Even little steps can have big benefits over time. This is especially true when you begin writing every day. Here are some of the ways you probably didn’t know writing regularly can improve your creativity and clarity

  1. Writing brings into focus what you think about most – cluing you into how your thoughts are connected across situations that vary widely in subject matter, tone, location, and time frame. It’s also an excellent way to stay current on what’s happening around you by documenting events as they unfold.
  2. Writing regularly strengthens your memory by prompting you to recall specific events that have occurred recently or much further back in the past. If writing is a new activity for you, it will be especially helpful in strengthening your memory skills because you will clearly notice how your memories of recent events are getting better and more precise over time.
  • By putting your thoughts into written form, you will gain clarity of mind (the mental state of clear thinking), which will enable you to think with greater depth about what things are most important to you at any given moment. You’ll become better able to make decisions and act on them more decisively once you’ve clarified exactly what it is you want right now.
  1. Writing regularly is good for your brain. The act of writing stimulates the creation of new neural pathways in your brain, expanding its capacity to store information and retrieve it later when you need it.
  2. Losing yourself in the process of writing provides a stress-relief mechanism that can’t be beaten. Even if what you write about concerns a vexing problem or a distressing situation, simply having an emotional release through putting words to paper will make you feel calmer because you’ll have taken control over how to handle what’s going on inside instead of sitting on it and letting it eat away at you from within.

How do I get started writing regularly?

We get it; you’ve probably always wanted to write, but you’ve never given yourself permission. Why? Because it’s scary, right? What if your writing isn’t good enough, or what if people make fun of you for wanting to write at all?

You know deep inside that these thoughts are not serving you well. So instead of continuing to base your self-worth on other people’s opinions (which is exhausting and generally leads to misery), simply permit yourself to start writing today.

You don’t need anything fancy; just grab a pen and some paper (the old-fashioned kind that doesn’t need batteries) or open up Notepad on your computer or Smartphone. Simply begin putting words to paper about whatever comes into your mind first thing in the morning. And if you have other pressing needs, why not have professionals handle them.

For example, if you have lots of essays to complete and you’re struggling to build a writing routine, you may want to hire an assignment writing service to take care of some of that work. Here are a few writing tips you may find useful;

  • Write each day – even if it’s just for 5 minutes: It is estimated that you may need just 18 days and at most 254 days to form a new habit, so if you write for 5 minutes every day for around three weeks, your brain will get used to it. By doing this, you will start to see changes in your thinking – how you react to situations, what’s important to you, and even in your relationships. You’ll be amazed at how much more confident and successful you become when simply taking out 5 minutes of time each day brings about positive change in just a few weeks’ time. We’d also like to mention that, if you decide to look for a writing service, make a point of working with an essay reviewer to ensure that you get the most value from the writing service.
  • Write without judgment: You don’t have to worry about whether what you are writing is any good or not because there are no bad words or wrong ideas here – just let them flow out of your pen. It doesn’t matter if you make mistakes, get your grammar wrong, or anything else because the only person you have to impress is yourself. In time, your writing will get stronger, and others will give more weight to what you have to say if they happen to read something that you’ve written.
  • Accept praise: Don’t be afraid of compliments either – just let them in! If people tell you they liked what you wrote, simply say “thank you,” take it in and move on. It’s always nice when other people appreciate our work or words, so don’t dismiss a compliment as being unimportant or undeserved. You deserve every one of them for taking action to express yourself through your writing skills.

Destructive Writing Habits that May Kill your Creativity and Clarity

Let’s face it; we could all use a little coaching and encouragement to take our writing “to the next level.” So here are some common mistakes we’ve made as writers that may be holding you back from expressing yourself more clearly and creatively:

  • Writing for what you think other people want to read instead of what’s important to you. The truth is if you’re not happy about whatever it is that you’re writing, how do you expect anyone else to care – especially those readers who would never buy your work or spend time reading your blog?
  • Trying to please everyone by writing what you think others want to hear instead of sticking with what’s true for you. If you write something simply because “it sounds good” or because “everyone else is saying it,” chances are you’re not true to yourself, and your message won’t resonate with readers who may find themselves inspired by your words.
  • Not trusting yourself enough just to let go, get messy and express yourself fully without trying so hard that it inhibits the creative process. Remember that all writers were once amateurs – don’t worry about spelling mistakes, poor grammar, or anything else; just focus on putting everything down on paper (or, in this case, on pixels).

Final Words

Writing regularly can improve your creativity and clarity significantly, but it takes some effort on your part to get into a positive state of mind. Once you begin writing, don’t judge yourself or try too hard because that may just kill your momentum.


Author Bio:

Charlie Svensson is a fast, engaging essay writer at AssignmentHolic. He also blogs on favorite topics like education, social media marketing (especially SEO), motivation blogs as well self-growth; he has excellent adaptability skills to reach diverse audiences with these pieces of writing!

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