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How To Combine Work And Study: 5 Helpful Tips For Working Students

Trying to combine work and studies may sound quite challenging, yet it is becoming much easier these days because it’s possible to approach online courses and study remotely. By choosing a custom curriculum with a flexible schedule, modern students can manage their work duties in a totally different way. While it may not remove the majority of the challenges related to academic burnout and exhaustion, many colleges and universities tend to provide helpful alternatives that help students to manage both tasks without sacrificing either. The most important thing is to allocate one’s time correctly and avoid procrastination, as it is the worst enemy of multitasking! 


How to Combine Work and Study: 5 Helpful Tips for Working Students 


  1. Create a Schedule For Work and Studies. 

Start by creating a special schedule with alerts for your work and studies. You can use any of the available mobile apps or make two columns on the wall with deadlines and alerts that address both sides of your life. It will help you to combine the time and focus on various tasks that you have to complete. One of the best solutions for that is the EverNote app which is quite popular among students as it can integrate Google Classroom and Google Calendar to keep you alert all the time. 


  1. Consider Making a Comfortable Workplace.

When you have to work and study at the same time, it is necessary to ensure that your workplace is good for both activities. Even if you are a freelancer, it is necessary to understand that adding more light to your room or keeping up with a comfortable chair can be vital. Starting with back pain reduction to the eye strain problem, making your workplace comfortable should be considered all the time as it may be a minor change that will decrease the levels of stress and fatigue. 


  1. Scholarships for Working Students.

Another helpful tip to consider is the exploration of financial help and scholarships that are either based on academic merits or belong to a certain field of work. In the majority of cases, however, you will have to write a personal statement letter or follow the given prompt. If it sounds too challenging, find someone to write my paper for me and explain your situation. They will help you to come up with a unique presentation and achieve success in your writing endeavors. 


  1. Earning Credits for Extracurricular Activities.

Depending on the college or university where you are enrolled, it is also possible to adjust your schedule and the list of tasks that you have to do at least for a bit. Since the final goal is to earn the required academic credits to pass the course, you may have to look into extracurricular and group or research projects. It may help you to skip the subjects that you may not need and focus on the activities that will help you increase and boost your primary skills. Take your time to discuss the options with your academic advisor. 


  1. Community Work and Volunteering. 

Contrary to popular belief, by combining work and study, you should participate in all types of community work and keep your social profile high by taking part in volunteering. This way, you can connect your work and studies and even combine travel and study by becoming active in the local community and using your additional skills to make a positive change and connect it to the things that you study. It will also generate valuable information that you can add to your resume, thus providing you with better internship and career opportunities. 


Where Do We Draw The Line? 

The primary problem of trying to combine work and study is not knowing where to draw the line or where to stop with the studies and become engaged in some sort of work that must be done. Depending on your part-time work schedule, you may still have moments of peace when you are not busy with delivery tasks, researching, or talking to clients. Such time can also be used for studies or for checking up on the key concepts as your mind makes a necessary transition from work to your studies. While some healthcare specialists will advise against it, the practice shows that most students will think about their studies anyway because their mind is not occupied, and their stress levels become almost unbearable. Therefore, it is always helpful to dedicate time to studies until work responsibilities make their call. 



Ruby Butz loves to travel and explore the fields of education, technology, and culture. As an educator and technology specialist, she researches the best ways to achieve academic success by sharing helpful tips and recommendations. Follow Ruby to make your studies fun and creative. 

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