Tips And Advice Stuff

The Science Is In: Here’s How To Give Yourself That Much-Needed Confidence Boost

The way you feel about yourself determines everything – from board room meetings and relationships to happiness and motivation. However, becoming aware of your inherent value is easier said than done – according to PsychologyToday, 25-50% of individuals struggle with chronic underconfidence. We’ve heard all the usuals – accepting yourself, hyping yourself up, and thinking positively. But according to science, there are other, more effective ways to give yourself that much-needed boost.

Geek Alabama walks you through the surefire, no-fail methods to get yourself feeling good right this very second. Interested in science? Read on for more.

Power Pose Away

According to Amy Cuddy, a Harvard Business School professor, power poses are one of the most effective ways to increase feelings of strength and confidence. Here’s how to do it:

  • Stand up straight
  • Push your shoulders back
  • Raise your arms up
  • Keep your head held high

Try these poses for at least a minute to get the full effect. The best part? When you radiate inner confidence through your body posture, others can feel it too. These are perfect for important meetings, pitches, and interviews when you want to come across as self-assured and make a great impression.


Move Your Body

We all know that fitness gets your blood pumping and endorphins brewing, but the effect of that goes beyond your body to your mind. LiveStrong reports that a power walk or quick HIIT session is enough to reap the benefits of confidence. Combine your workout with some empowering, high-vibration music (like bass or rap) to come out of it feeling ready to conquer the world.


Educate Yourself

Scientists say that confidence comes from within and then translates to other aspects of your life. If you don’t feel good about your value, no one else will. One way to boost your self-esteem is to feel competent and hold your intelligence in high regard. Making a career switch to something you’re more passionate about can help significantly when working on yourself.

This is why many people choose to go back to school. An online degree affords you flexibility and balance when it comes to managing different aspects of your life. For example, an online bachelor’s degree from the University of Phoenix can help you hone skills in education, nursing, criminal justice, and more. It is the perfect way to become the catalyst for change in your own life!


Smell Good

Maybe you weren’t expecting this one, but spritzing on some cologne or perfume before leaving home can go a long way. A study reported that 90% of tested women felt more confident wearing a fragrance than going without. We suggest shopping around for a signature scent that you wear on days you need a little boost. Your mind will then associate the smell with confidence and power, making it your own self-esteem-boosting fragrance!


Nourish Your Body (and Soul)

Continuous cycles of eating processed, oily and fast foods can significantly impact your confidence. Reach for those veggies at the bottom of your fridge – we promise they’ll make you feel better. A quick bite of fresh fruit and veggies goes a long way in brightening your mood. In addition, great eating habits will have you feeling your best self, which is essential for confidence. The better you feel on the inside, the more it’ll reflect on the outside.

We could all do with some extra confidence now and then. Lucky for us, science has irrefutably proven techniques that can help you live your best life. Don’t put it off till tomorrow — try these tips right now and see how they transform your life today.

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