Disability Talk Stuff

Disability Awesome: Jake Pratt Gets Hired By UPS Full-Time

Welcome to Disability Awesome. Each week, this post will feature a person or persons with mental and / or physical disabilities who are doing awesome things! As someone with an disability, I love it when others when disabilities do great things!

Have you heard the story behind Jake Pratt?  Jake has down syndrome, and during the last Christmas season, Jake got to work with UPS helping to deliver packages.  Now, UPS offered Jake a full-time job, and he took advantage of it.

UPS also helped to set up a new scholarship called the Jake Pratt Scholarship Fund.  UPS donated $25,000 and the fund will help to assist those who go to a post-secondary education program.

ABC World News Tonight also did a story about Jake recently.

And I loved this Tweet.

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