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Roadscapes Wednesday: New U.S. 431 Traffic Light


Over the past few months, I have followed the progress of a new traffic light on U.S. 431 in Anniston.  This location used to have an overpass for Pelham Road.  This was mostly for a quick connection to the former Fort McClellan from Noble St. and downtown Anniston.  Now that the bridge is gone, the new intersection connects Pelham Road to a shopping center.

Former bridge. From Google Maps.

I wanted to start off by showing the construction of the new intersection.  These are pictures before everything was paved over.

These are the pictures while the area was being paved.

These are the pictures while the traffic light was on flash mode.

And here are the pictures of the intersection today.

Sadly, there are already problems with this light.  The green light time on U.S. 431 is only 15 seconds and its way too short!  Several cars are either running red lights or almost rear-ending other cars because of the short green light time.  More green light time between the traffic light sensors and the traffic light white line is needed!  Here’s video of what I mean.

There are also other changes to get ready for the Anniston Eastern Bypass.  The W 43rd St. intersection at U.S. 431 has been re-located.

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