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5 Innovative Materials Used In Modern Education


Modern education has evolved significantly in the last decade, leading to many positives for students and teachers alike. Of course, the backbone of this growth has been down to many factors, but in this article, we’ll be taking a look at a few of the innovative materials being used today that have contributed heavily. So, make sure to read until the end to get everything.


5 Innovative Materials That Have Made Modern Classes Smarter

Whether you love or hate technology, no doubt it has changed how we do things. This has been well observed in the modern classrooms we have today, and these five innovative tools have had a role in it:


1: 3D Printers

3D printers can be used to print just about anything. This has helped students to investigate and interact with the models they create, which increases student engagement. Another benefit of 3D printing is that it is beneficial for students who are visual or kinesthetic learners. Teachers can also save the time it would have taken to create models themselves and instead can work with the students in these workshops.


2: Augmented/Virtual Reality

Another critical innovation technology has brought to modern education has been the introduction of Augmented/Virtual reality. Students can now visit the most remote parts of the world from their classrooms. Instead of describing complex visuals, teachers can let students see for themselves. This has helped increase their interest in STEM-related degrees, leading to better-paying jobs and more societal innovation.


3: Smart Boards

Teachers, traditionally, have had to spend time creating the teaching material from scratch, then take that content and write it on a board. This was double effort and inefficient and didn’t always work. However, with smart boards, teachers and students can now have interactive classrooms. Complex designs can now be projected and controlled with just a few mouse clicks. Also, with the introduction of tablets, students can also project their coursework and get immediate feedback.


4: Gamification

Traditional education often meant sitting for long hours in a classroom. This didn’t always yield the best results, leading many teachers to embrace gamification in their teaching method. Taking a game-based teaching approach creates enthusiasm for the class and increases students’ engagement. This has led to many positives as students enjoy having fun.


5: Artificial Intelligence

The influence of AI has seen an increase in the educational sector, bringing many benefits. For one, teachers can now automate many administrative tasks, such as grading papers, and instead use their newfound freedom to develop more comprehensive learning materials and interact with students more. We have also seen increased AI-powered tools that have helped aid learning. 

For example, students learning new languages now have mobile apps like Duolingo that give them real-time feedback on their pronunciation skills and much more through Natural Language Processing. Students can also learn better writing using tools such as Grammarly. However, as these reviews on the best essay writing service explain, much more goes into good writing than just the correct use of English. This website offers its readers hundreds of unbiased and expert-written reviews, so you won’t have to spend your money and time learning the hard way.


Bottom Line

Technology has had a proven positive impact on education. Students can use AI-powered tools to aid their learning and now have VR headsets and 3D printers to give visual and practical meaning to even the most complex topics. Hopefully, we can see this trend continue for many more years.


Author’s Bio

Josh Garner is an online educator and writer. He enjoys helping students and teachers leverage technology to improve the quality of education. When he isn’t working as an educator, you will find Josh writing an article on the latest innovations to inform people about what’s important.

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