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Why Creativity Is So Important For Children With Autism


Creativity can manifest itself in different ways. Children with autism may struggle with social understanding and social awareness, but many can be very creative. Children with autism may think and process things differently, so their understanding of creativity is not wrong; it’s just different. Children with ASD, if given an opportunity, can generate complex and highly innovative things. Below are some reasons creativity is essential for children with autism.


Creativity is a Strength

Children on the spectrum have shown to provide alternative uses when given a tool compared to neurotypical children during scientific studies. Children on the spectrum are less likely to be inhibited by social standards, and therefore they always think out of the box when faced with challenging situations. If this creativity is channeled productively, these children can develop cognitively and create art in different forms.

When channeled to art, creativity can significantly breed inventiveness, which is a trait that most independent persons portray. As they make art, they can practice motor skills as they use their drawing, painting, and learning tools. Ultimately, art and creativity will help boost self-esteem and confidence in children with autism.


Creativity Helps to Express Emotions

Most autistic children pay more attain to details, and therefore they can produce beautiful art coming from their imaginative mind, which can be fine-tuned. Since these children can creatively contemplate outside the box, they develop raw, intense, and striking art. Art can be a way of reducing stress and expressing emotions that can sometimes remain hidden. When the creative side of children with autism is encouraged, it can become a valued ability and a hobby to keep them occupied.


Sensory Stimulation

When children on the spectrum engage in creative arts, they gain a tactile experience that can be very comforting. Whether playing with paint, crumpling papers, or arranging cubes, most children with ASD will find these activities soothing and sensory-stimulating. Children with ASD may also find some sensory stimulation in trains. Trains and autism go hand in hand as the children find it fun, and they also get to learn a lot from their interests in trains. Sensory stimulating behavior differs from child to child, and some may show interest in other activities apart from trains.


Creative Outlet

Creativity in ASD children can be an effective expressive outlet for the nonverbal kids and those with less vocabulary. When the child can express their thoughts in creative art, they can develop more. In addition, as they explore other mediums for fine-tuning how they want to express their thoughts and feelings, the parent will notice the visual representations of their child’s inner self. Therapists, therefore, recommend giving children with autism a chance to explore their creativity.


Developing Social Skills

When a child with ASD is introduced to creative activities such as art therapy or art classes, they may develop socially. During these classes, the children interact with other children and adults, and as they create art, they communicate with the teachers through listening. The therapists and peers also provide an environment where a child with ASD can communicate and listen while learning. As time progresses, the child will develop additional social skills.


Promote Wellbeing

Children with ASD can be more vulnerable to mental health issues, especially when they lack an effective way to communicate and let their thoughts be understood. The children should be allowed to communicate their emotions appropriately to reduce the risk of becoming depressed or frustrated. When children cannot communicate verbally how they feel, some behaviors may arise that may show that they need some attention to communicate their needs. Creativity is one way to allow them to express their emotions appropriately. When the words are difficult, creativity is essential, and it can also help them improve their cognition and emotional regulation.


Final Thought

A child’s inherent sense of creativity can grow and stretch as their minds develop. Children with ASD have been shown to possess a deep sense of creativity and imagination. Children on the spectrum are highly creative and artistic, and to get the most out of their abilities, they require healthy outlets of creativity. Without an appropriate outlet, the creative side of the child that makes them imaginative will be suppressed, and they may not understand what is real.

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