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5 Steps To Recovering Your Home After A Storm


Was your home recently damaged in a storm? It may be some time before you can safely reenter in. In the meantime, you can use the break to figure out what you’re going to do. It may be that your home just needs a bit of TLC to get it back in shape. Here are the 5 steps you should take to recover your home after a storm.

IMAGE CREDIT: Alex Andrews from Pexels

Make Sure Your Roof Wasn’t Damaged

One of the first things that you should do before you reenter your home is to make sure that your roof wasn’t damaged. You don’t want to be living in a home where the roof is leaking or about to come off. It may be a good idea to hire a local roofing service to give this area of your home a good looking over. This is one area you can’t afford to skimp on.


Make Sure Your Garage Door is Working

Another key area of your home that you will need to look over is your garage. You want to be sure that there is no residual damage that can lead to problems in the future. Check your garage thoroughly, starting with the roof and going all the way down to the floor. You may wish to call for expert garage door repair in West Chester, PA.

Calling in a repair service is a good idea if you spot any problems that seem to be beyond your control to fix. For example, your garage door mechanism may be rusted out or broken due to storm damage. You may also notice stains, cracks, or breaks on the floor of your garage. These and other issues will require a response from an expert.


Make Sure Your Plumbing is Working

Another area of your home that needs to be checked out will be your plumbing system. This is an area that needs to be working right for your home to be worth living in. Go over the drains and other areas to make sure that they are doing their job. Check the toilets to make sure they are flushing. If you notice any backup, call a plumber.

If your plumbing system is broken or backed up, you’re going to have a serious health hazard on your hands. If you leave it too long, it will only continue to grow worse. The more you drag your heels, the higher the price will be when it finally gets to be too much. This is one area you need to get checked out so you can reclaim your home.


Make Sure Mold and Bacteria Are Removed

Perhaps the most important step that you will need to take is to make sure that your home is free of bacteria and mold. Even after all of the water has been pumped out of your home, there may still be some small pools. These can hide in the nooks and crevices of your property. You need to get them dried up before they breed bacteria.

Black mold is one of the most dangerous things that you can encounter in your home after it has been flooded. This mold can breed at a rapid rate and completely take over your property. If not checked in time, it can cause your home to be condemned to be torn down. You will need to call in a mold removal expert to prevent this.


Be Careful with Your Generator

Make sure to be extra careful with the generator you are using to provide energy to your home. This is an item you may have to rely on in the wake of a flood. Make sure that you check its condition on a daily basis.


It’s Time to Get Your Home in Shape

Fixing up your home after a storm doesn’t have to be a costly affair. There are a few key steps that you can take to get it back in shape. It will be up to you to do all in your power to make sure that your home is safe to reenter. The handy tips outlined above should be your guide. These are the steps to help make your house a home again.

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