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Roadscapes Wednesday: New Traffic Lights Along AL-21 In Oxford


Over the past few months, all traffic light intersections along AL-21 or Quintard Dr. have been replaced.  Every intersection features new light poles, new wiring, new traffic light control boxes, and new traffic lights.  The old lights were dimmed and were hard to see in the daylight.  The new lights now feature LED lights.  And every intersection now has sensors milled into the road and works correctly, for now.

Now I wanted to talk about a major fail near the Wal-Mart.  The new intersection requires drivers who wants to turn left to turn into the gas station, then cut across to get to the Wal-Mart access road.  Or, if you are brave, you can drive the wrong way down AL-21 to reach the access road.

Who thought of this?  Forcing all traffic to go down to the light and make a u-turn is not working too well.  Cars turning around are meeting cars turning right and it’s almost causing accidents.  Plus, not all the left turn traffic is getting a chance to make the turn before the light turns red.

Whoever designed this needs to redo everything and either extend the left turn to meet the access road.  Or realign the access road next to Chick-fil-A to meet with the new turning lane.

Because I am sure the Kangaroo Gas Station loves seeing all those cars cutting across their parking lot!


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