Site icon Geek Alabama

Geek Alabama Guest / Sponsored Post Policy



Contact Us at:


Thank you for considering a sponsored post here on Geek Alabama.  To get started. here is what we accept and not accept on Geek Alabama.  These content guidelines applies to sponsored posts, and link inserts.

As a reminder, Geek Alabama is not my full-time job.  So any post submitted to us can take up to a few days to publish.

Also, I do not have the time to write articles for any other websites.  And Geek Alabama will not pay others to publish their articles on this website.



Types of posts & links we are looking for:



Types of posts & links we are not looking for:



Why We Will No Longer Accept Free Guest Posts

Sadly, Geek Alabama can no longer accept any free guest posts.  Any post submitted to us will only be published if we are paid the sponsored post fee.

If you like to know why we have to do this, here are three reasons why guest posts are no longer allowed.


1: Geek Alabama does not earn any revenue from free guest posts.  We do not earn anything from guest posts, no ad revenue, no fees, nothing.  It is not fair to us to continue to publish articles from other people without being compensated for it.  Posting articles and images for free costs us money for storage.  And with our hosting provider WordPress cutting back our storage limits, we have to make this change.  Buying extra storage costs hundreds of dollars a year, something I do not have,


2: Publishing free guest posts takes up too much time and we are being overwhelmed with too many guest posts which includes links to businesses or products for no compensation.  I am the editor / publisher of Geek Alabama, Nathan Young.  Geek Alabama is not my full-time job, and others treat me like this site is my full-time job, which is not.  Along with having an mental disability (Autism Spectrum Disorder), I earn hardly any income to live.  Publishing free guest posts means no income for me and too much time taken away from other things.  I am in an situation now where I will soon lose where I live at and might become homeless.  I can not become homeless publishing other people’s content for free.


3: Publishing free guest posts has not led me to bigger opportunities.  And I have been rejected from hundreds and hundreds of job and bigger opportunities.  I can not continue to publish other people’s content while not receiving any opportunities for myself.  If we are being paid a fee to publish a post or insert a link, that is an opportunity for me to earn something.  If I am being requested to publish something without earning nothing, I am being taken advantage of.  Now, if you want to help me out, and know of any opportunities, e-mail me at:


As soon as I am hired somewhere, or get more compensation for what I do, writing, photos, videos, podcasts, being creative, we will allow some guest posts again.



Sponsored Posts Guidelines


As of July 2023, I charge around $25-30 per sponsored post.  This is negotiable, and I will not accept any charge below $15, no exceptions.  If you e-mail us back saying anything less than $15, we will reject it every time.  It’s not worth my time or effort to post something from someone when I will get hardly anything.


Geek Alabama will also accept products for a review or money to go review an event, product, or business.  Learn more at:



Link Insert Guidelines


As of May 2022, I charge around $10 per link insert.  I will not accept any charge below $10, no exceptions.  If you e-mail us back saying anything less than $10, we will reject it every time. It’s not worth my time or effort to post something from someone when I will get hardly anything.



What you will get when you guest post on Geek Alabama?

If you want to learn more about guest posting on Geek Alabama , contact Nathan Young at: Check out our media/pr page at:


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