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Good News Fridays: The 2,000 Year-Old City Of Mosaics


Welcome to the Good News Fridays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Good News Fridays will feature something good, wholesome, positive, and overall something great. After a long and stressful week, we all need something good to read or watch on Fridays! Enjoy a heartwarming post below!

It’s the heartbeat of the mosaic world! Dating back to the Byzantine era, Ravenna in Italy has been filled with a rich tapestry of mosaic craftsmanship, from the walls to the floors and the ceilings of its architectural marvels. From grand basilicas to intimate residences, Ravenna’s mosaic artistry portrays ancient civilizations through every shimmering tile and preserves the legacy of a city steeped in history and artistic brilliance.

Experience these timeless artworks as Professor Daniele Torcellini offers insights into their historical context and artist Luca Barberini shows how mosaics can engage with contemporary issues.

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