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Music Thursdays: The 40 Year Hunt For The Most Mysterious Song On The Internet


Welcome to the Music Thursdays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Music Thursdays will feature music related content. Music Thursdays will feature an artist or band and their latest song and / or music video. People love music, and we here at Geek Alabama love featuring artists and bands!

In 1980s Germany, on a local radio station, a man recorded a song on the radio that would one day become The Most Mysterious Song on the Internet. Over the course of its 40 year lifespan, the song has been played on countless times on the radio and has been heard by millions, but despite all of that, no one has been able to identify it. However, with new findings, the search for the song has been renewed, and it seems like its possible now more than ever that the most mysterious song on the internet

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