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Explore Tips For Moving In With A Partner


If you’re in a relationship, then at some point, you might decide to move in together – this step isn’t inevitable, of course, and some people love living separately but being together when they want to be; it really does depend on you and your relationship. 

However, if you do decide to move in together, it can feel rather daunting, especially if you’ve never lived with a partner before. With that in mind, here are some useful tips for moving in with a partner to make it all go more smoothly. 


Keep Your Old Place 

The temptation will probably be to sell your old place or end the lease so you only have one property to think about – and pay for, of course. However, that might not be the ideal solution, and it’s often best to hold onto your old place for a little while until you’re completely settled and happy with your new situation. 

Remember, no matter how much you might love someone, living with them full-time is very different from visiting them and even staying over, so it’s wise to have your own place just in case you need it. After a while, when you’re sure about your new living arrangement, you can sell up or let your landlord know you’re leaving. Or you could do what some people do when they own a property but live somewhere else and rent it out to give yourself a handy second income. 


Create A Budget Together 

Whether you’re getting a new place for you both or one of you is moving into the other’s home, you’re going to need to consider how much it’s going to cost and how to split the bills – do this before you move and everything will be much easier for you both without any awkwardness or financial problems.

One option is simply to split everything down the middle, and although that can work well and it might seem like the fairest thing to do, it’s worth considering how much each person earns. If one earns more than the other, it might be better to split the bills in a way that takes that into account, and where the payments each person makes are a percentage of their salary, for example, and relative to what they earn. 

Remember, moving itself is going to cost money too, so this budgeting idea can start very early on, perhaps when you’re looking for reliable moving companies or paying a deposit or down payment. 


Give Each Other Space

Moving in together is exciting, but if you’ve been used to living alone for a while, then it can also be overwhelming to suddenly be with someone 24/7 – and it might be that your partner feels the same way. 

That’s why it’s wise to come up with a plan where each person gets their own space. That could mean a literal space if there’s room in the house, but it could equally mean enjoying hobbies alone, for example. This can often lead to a much healthier relationship because when you are together, you appreciate it more.

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