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My Thoughts About My 37th Birthday And What I Want To Do


So here we are again, it’s my 37th birthday.  And in the last year, among all the rejections and threats against me, there were a few exciting things.  For one, I got featured on national television again.  I launched a very successful Christmas themed podcast.

I covered a major train wreck better than anyone else earlier this year.  And I got to speak at a conference in Birmingham, that was exciting.  I have also built Geek Alabama into a major website with over 2,000,000 total readers and becoming the number one media platform here in East Alabama.


But among the very few good things that happened in the last year, most of the past year has been filled with misery, depression, rejections, threats, and just a lot of sadness and worry.

In this post, I want to talk about 10 things that are coming up that concern me.  Because a lot of things are going to happen within the next few months.  And if something does not happen, I will be living my life living on the streets being homeless.

And speaking of homelessness, let’s start with that.  I have been living in the same place for the past 5 plus years now.  And the landlord just sold the place to someone else.  What that means is, when the current lease runs out in a couple of months, I will likely be asked to leave.

And as someone who only earns around $1000 per month, I will not be able to afford anything else.  Now yes, I have tried applying for Section 8, and I have tried Habitat for Humanity, but there has not been any success.


So basically, there are two options, either increase the income dramatically so I can afford a new place to live.  Or prepare to be homeless.  And I guess I am preparing to be homeless.  The sad truth is, there are a lot of autistic people who are currently homeless, and I guess I’m about to join the statistics.

And speaking of income, let’s talk about the second thing.  I usually spend most weekends looking for other employment opportunities.  I have been working at the same job for about 5 years now, and there is pretty much no room for advancement.  So, I have to look somewhere else.  And man, all the rejections that have come my way have been through the roof.

Speaking of rejections, let’s talk about the third thing.  And that is all the threats I get on the Internet.  I usually get several threats every week on the Internet.  Just like the example below, where extreme right wingers sent threatening comments to me on Twitter.

It comes with the territory with being on the autism spectrum.  As I am one of the most followed people with autism on social media, I am used to the attacks.  Unfortunately, others with autism on social media also get attacked often.


And that leads to the 4th thing.  I am very fortunate someone donated me a car.  Because without a car, I would have no job and no opportunities to go cover anything.  The car is giving out and it’s just a ticking time bomb until something breaks for good.

And let’s lead into the fifth thing, being rejected all the time.  As I have said I have built Geek Alabama into the number one media site in East Alabama.  And I do this for no income off the site, and many, many rejections.  Since it is well known I am disabled, there are a lot of people around here who like to take advantage of my situation.  And have me do stuff for free or for barely any money.

And I am putting a stop to that.  With the upcoming football season coming up, I will refuse to help anyone who offers very little money or nothing at all.

And let’s talk about the 6th thing, my mental health.  I have had several professionals here in East Alabama refuse to do anything to help me.  I have had others say I am playing stupid and acting dumb, or say I am faking being disabled.  And it hurts, because I am not playing stupid and acting dumb, and I am certainly not faking being disabled.

Let’s move on to the 7th thing, which is my physical health.  I’ve had many in person and online criticize my weight.  And it’s OK, I am used to the criticism.  In the past year, I have had 5 polyps removed from inside me.  And I would like to certainly do more things to improve my health, but that takes money.  And when you don’t have hardly any money, you can’t do much of anything.

On to the eighth thing, so many people where I live at often want me to do this and that, for nothing.  As I have said, since many know I am disabled, they often take advantage of that situation.  And it happens to others with disabilities as well.  It’s sad that people with disabilities often get taken advantage of, but that is the reality of life.

The ninth thing is my political beliefs.  Yes I get attacked very often because of my political beliefs.  I am a liberal, living in deep red Alabama.  I have been attacked and criticized by state politicians, other media people, and average people.  I am used to the attacks, and that’s not going to change the way I do things.

And let’s talk about the last thing, and it’s my attitude.  I know a lot of people don’t like it that I am always sad, upset, not upbeat, and being negative.  But, when you have lived the life I have lived, you would understand why I’m always negative.  I am sorry I’m like this.  But when you get rejected, be attacked, be abused, and be ignored all the time, you are going to be sad and negative.

I am sorry my birthday message is not very positive this year, and I hope next year will be better.  But I need help.  Yes, it’s OK to ask for help.  I am not wishing to be homeless.  I am not wishing to pass away.  I am not wishing to be unemployed.  I just need some help.  Maybe someone out there reading this will help me.  Thank you for reading.

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