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How Small Can A Business Be & Remain Feasible?


Businesses are, far and away, much different than they used to be. Before, physical storefronts and services mostly relied on physical space, from heading to the shopkeeper for your daily essentials to heading to the locksmith to have your keys cut, everything was tangible and analog.

Now, we have SEO services, cybersecurity firms, managed IT providers, and influencers or freelancing professionals surfing the web as digital nomads, relying on their personal brand and portfolio to carry them. Neither is better, it’s just different, and as we move forward into the future with AI tools, the idea of what businesses should and can do is going to change again.

But one question remains – with the rise of startups, personal online stores, and individual brands, how small can a business be and remain feasible at the same time? In this post, we’ll discuss how to achieve that, and what kind of worth they can cultivate going forward as a result:


Removing The Need For Offices

Renting an office may be a healthy approach to take when organizing a large team, or bringing together the best people together for the best forward output, but it’s true to say that these are no longer 100% necessary in the world of remote working. Alternatively, you might use part of your home, or a rented co-working space you use for a few days a week instead of taking out an expensive lease on an expensive building. This has helped many firms justify their presence in a completely online-first scenario, while other companies have pivoted to full remote work after the pandemic, especially those that predominantly outsource certain services.


Sustaining A Competent Website & App

Provided you have the right digital tools and platforms to make your company work, you’ll be able to present yourself an online audience. This might involve developing an app and using the best Payment APIs to ensure security is guaranteed with each transaction, or it might even involve using a third-party service like the online storefronts offered by services like WordPress. Template website builders and hosts could help you get your feet in the door and begin servicing customers, while understanding the kinds of features you may hope to replicate in your own output going forward.


Personal Computing

It may seem as though you need a full managed IT service suite in order to bring a team together, but with virtual machines, virtual private networks (VPN’s), and certain multi-use platforms like Canva for graphic design, Agorapulse for social media posting, and serviced suites like Microsoft 365 for office communications and planning, you can use your personal devices more readily. Just make sure you sustain good cybersecurity practices and train those you work with to do the same, and the full suite of MSP IT provisions may not be as necessary as they seem.

With this advice, we hope you can see that running a business is sometimes more feasible than you had expected, especially if you withdraw or alternate a few of those vital functions that you had otherwise considered essential. In the long run, that kind of flexibility may benefit you.

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