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How Can You Make Your Home A More Relaxing Space?


We all lead busy lives, so having a home we can retreat to each day and relax in is important. We need to restore balance when we’ve been rushing around all day- it’s crucial for both our mental and physical health. If your home doesn’t feel comfortable and enables you to relax properly then it’s a problem that definitely needs to be resolved. Here are just a few ways you can go about it. 


Declutter and redecorate

As humans, we’re hugely influenced by our surroundings, and clutter and mess can affect your mental health whether you realise it or not. Take the time to declutter and clear your spaces- bin, donate or sell what you don’t use and reorganise everything that’s left. Consider giving your home decor a revamp- if you paint walls in a neutral shade you can add in colour using accessories. That way you can easily update your colour scheme without the need to completely redecorate each time. A nicely decorated, calm, clear space with a few decorative items will make for a relaxing environment. Consider adding plants for colour and texture since research shows that looking at plants helps to boost mental health. 


Invest in comfy seating

Big comfy sofas and a cosy bed are the perfect spaces to relax when you’re at home. While these are an investment, if you want to create truly comfy spaces for yourself for the long run, they’re so worth the money. If you like to have guests over or enjoy things like movie nights with families, ensure you have enough seating for everyone to be able to kick back. From bean bags to recliners to floor cushions, consider the space you have, how much additional seating you’ll need and go from there. Soft blankets and cosy furnishings will make sofas and beds even more comfortable. 


Treat yourself to new tech

Lets face it, we all love our tech. And when it comes to relaxation, tech can definitely help to make your home a more relaxing space. Use smart speakers and surround sound to play soothing music to play while you’re eating, crafting or meditating. If you spend time searching for or creating playlists that you can put on for different situations, you’ll always have the right background music. From a gentle yet uplifting morning playlist to listen to while you eat your breakfast to more upbeat versions for cleaning and working out. You could have a relaxing, calm playlist to listen to while you fall asleep or just relax in the evening. Whether your relaxation treat of choice is a cup of herbal tea or a Daniel Fung MMJ vape, the right playlist alongside it will make all the difference. New tech could involve an e-reader so you always have good books on hand, or a nice big TV to watch your favourite shows. While we’re often told to switch off our tech in order to relax, there’s no doubt it can be a good thing if used correctly. 

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