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5 Reasons To Purchase Banned Books For Your Child

Every parent aims to give their child the best and protect them from anything that might seem physically or psychologically harmful. Some books have been banned from schools and the reach of children for specific reasons. Regardless of the reasons, it could be argued that parents need to allow their children access to these books. The following are five reasons parents should purchase banned books for their children.

1. Stories in Banned Books Create Room for Real Conversations

You understand that your child will one day come to experience the reality of this world. In this case, if they are kept protected from certain truths, they may fail to know how to deal with real issues. For this reason, parents need to be comfortable with their children reading banned books. Allow your child to ask as many questions as possible and give realistic and satisfactory answers. For example, you could add more real-life situations that relate to the stories your child just read. It is through creating this room for open conversation that your child will begin to understand the world more realistically. Also, they will learn how to survive through proper decision-making.


2. Don’t Judge a Book by its Swear Words

If a book is banned because it has to swear words, it is unfair to the child and you as a parent. It is unjust to the child because they have been denied a chance to access the knowledge and experience provided by the book. For you as a parent, it burdens you with the duty to protect your child from swear words in every environment, which is impossible. It is the same way you parent your child on the use of swear words that you will guide them as they read the words in books. Let your child know it is wrong to use swear words or other unacceptable words in private and public. Explain why these words are inappropriate, and they will follow your advice. Running away from these words doesn’t guarantee the child will never encounter them at some point in life.


3. Children Want Relatable Books

Your child learns through relating experiences. Their natural curiosity as humans attracts them to things that seem or sound familiar. Their ability to relate allows them to mature and see life from their broader perspective. Adding a book to the children’s banned books list denies them more of what they could relate to in school or at home. It makes it difficult for these children to express their views if they are only restricted to reading limited books. The moment a child relates to an idea or event in a book increases their curiosity and eagerness to share this information. As this opens room for conversation, your parental duty is to guide them on what’s right or wrong.


4. Banned Ideas are Freedoms for Tomorrow

At some point in life, it wasn’t “ladylike” for women to smoke or drink, and it was unacceptable for men to take a nursing job or wear certain colors. These were some of the “banned” ideas of that time, but it wasn’t long until society came to embrace these concepts. Every generation has its perception of different ideologies. Things that might seem unacceptable could be normal for the next generation. So, rather than banning books to “protect” the children, allowing them guided access to these books would be more effective.


5. Helps You Avoid Dictating Your Child’s Life

Many books have been banned because they share different religious, cultural, or political views. These are unwritten rules or expectations that most societies expect every member to follow. It could be argued that by banning certain ideas, society promotes bias and some form of social dictatorship. Through the suppression of ideas, younger generations tend to remain rebellious and confused in finding an identity. Children have the right to read banned books and learn from these experiences that society is trying so hard to hide.



Society must have faith in the younger generation by allowing them the freedom to read books and experience different understandings. Buying banned books for your child is okay if you intend to be a proper mentor as they grow. Review the book you intend to buy and if you feel confident it won’t affect the growth of your child, allow them access.

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