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How Geeking Out About Your Health Can Make Your Life So Much Better


Geeking out about video games or road junctions is par for the course. But applying the same level of fanaticism to your health is much rarer. After all, our bodies aren’t usually the focus of endless hours of deliberation and investigation. 

The truth, though, is that that should change. How we treat our bodies has a massive impact on how we feel (and our ability to be geeky in the first place). If we feel good all the time, then it liberates tremendous energy that we can direct towards other pursuits. In short, health is a master resource. 

Of course, relatively few of us actually pay a great deal of attention to this aspect of our lives. Instead, we live in the way that society prescribes. We have sedentary hobbies, dreadful diets, plenty of stress, and a lack of sleep. By the time we hit forty, we’re at least twice the weight we should be, if not more. And we struggle to perform even simple physical tasks. 

What’s more, we’re not really sure what to do about it. Everyone seems to be screaming different advice from all corners, leaving us feeling confused. 

That’s where geeking out about health can really help. It lets you get to the bottom of what’s really going on with our bodies, and what we can do to make them better. 


Nutrition Science Seems Like A Mess, But It Isn’t

If you were to read any of the popular books written about what you should eat, you’ll discover that they are all over the place. Some tell you to drink pints of butter with bacon on the side, while others encourage pickled bean sprouts and pea purées. To the layperson, it seems like there is debate over what constitutes the ideal human diet

However, that’s not the case. Taking nutrition science as a whole, it’s incredibly clear what we should be eating, and what we should be reducing, to make our bodies healthier. 

Here are some of the rules from the literature that are not at all controversial:

Just following these simple rules is enough to produce massive weight loss in most people. What’s more, it greases the wheels, so to speak. When you have a high-quality diet, you just feel so much better in your own body. Getting healthy feels good. 


Geeky Principles For Getting Healthy

So what do you actually need to do to look after your health.

The first thing is to start small. Many people, for instance, experience massive improvements in their health simply by avoiding snacking after 7 pm. Just a small change like this can lead to profound improvements in how they look and feel.

The next step is to address any underlying, nagging issues that you might have. Today, ordering the medicines you need is surprisingly simple, according to Simple Online Pharmacy. You just log onto the internet, answer a few questions, and that’s it. 

You can also track yourself. These days, it’s fashionable for health gurus to say that everyone is different and, therefore, we all require different diets, exercise patterns, and so on. Therefore, track your body and find out what works for you. (You’ll discover that it is the same as what works for everyone else, but it can be nice to have data reassuring you that all your efforts are worthwhile). 


Follow Your Body

Lastly, you don’t have to just “go with the science.” It can only teach you so much. Sometimes, it’s a good idea to simply listen to your body and respect what it is telling you. If you have a craving for grapefruit or watermelon, there’s probably a reason for it. 

Remember, your body is incredibly good at sending signals to you about the types of healthy food that it needs to remain in tip-top condition. So-called “intuitive eating” is where you avoid thinking about what you’d like to eat and instead just allow your body to send you ideas. You’ll notice that if you had a lot of something yesterday (say, peanuts), you want less of it today. 

Lastly, make sure that you track your body on as many levels as possible, finding out what works, and what doesn’t. Follow it, seeing which foods are good for you, and which aren’t. 

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