Geeks and Nerds Stuff

Is There Really A Threat Toward Water Resources Due To Global Warming?

Almost 8 months have slid by in 2021 and far too many people are living in some kind of Sci-Fi Grade D movie believing the world is coming to an end. When COVID-19 first hit, most people took it in stride until everything seemed to be getting out of control. Now, many people are questioning climate change and wondering if this is really what’s going on.

A report in Progress in Science suggests that global warming may get worse for future weather and other situations involving our planet. Many people believe that global warming is something built up in some people’s minds but the topic is being discussed on a daily basis. In some areas of the world, it does seem temperatures are getting hotter. One or the other cannot be passed by, because there doesn’t seem to be a winning side.

Global warming has risen temperatures slightly, mostly affecting the melting of glaciers and permafrost. At one point, Antarctic temperatures exceeded 20? Some believe the snow caps are turning into slush while others disagree.


Also Read: How Global Warming Is A Threat to Water Resources


Flooding In Venice

Laguna di Venezia is a lagoon at the northern end of the Adriatic Sea that accommodates Venice’s water capital. Just lately, a flood submerged the city’s famous SAN Mark square below one meter. The destructive floods in November 2019 caused damages in the hundreds of millions of euros in the region.

In August an exceptional flood submerged St. Mark’s Square in one meter of water in a single night.


Water Shortages Caused By Climate Change

As global temperatures climb, rainfall becomes even more severe. There are long dry periods while dangerous flooding happens elsewhere and in some areas, there is a shortage of needed water. The World Health Organization (WHO) believes that in early 2025, half the world’s population will be living in water-stressed areas.

Steven Gorelick, director of the Global Freshwater Initiative at Stanford抯 Woods Institute believes rainfall is somewhere between beautiful and a nuisance. It’s not something you should immediately drink. Some people believe when water supplies are shorter in supply, it can lead to a disaster. This could last for years until rainfall returns to normal. Gorelick said There is a very short memory of the last drought.”

When it gets to the point that people cannot get enough water for cleaning, respiratory and gastrointestinal illnesses will start to encroach very quickly. Food safety can also be affected. When the soil dries out and becomes compacted, it will run off the surface and carry contaminants to crops instead of absorbing them into the ground.


How To Get Clean, Safe Water During Flooding

Membrane Filtration, including Reverse Osmosis

Membrane systems force water through microscopic pores, depending on the size of the pores, and various particles can be passed through or flushed away in wastewater. One form of membrane technology removes many pathogens but will not rid of most chemicals.


Waterdrop Reverse Osmosis or RO, systems depends on a thin film membrane that eliminates all particles larger than 0.1 nanometers. (nanometer = 1-billionth of a meter).

The results could be the pure standard of drinking water, mostly free of microbial and chemical pollution as well as any heavy metals and possibly radionuclides. The removal of all these particles cannot be 100% accurate because of the likelihood of any tiny imperfections around or in the membrane. A radionuclide is an atom that has excess nuclear energy, making it unstable. On the other hand, Reverse Osmosis does set a high standard.

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