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Moving 101: Tips On How To Start Packing


When you finally decide to pack all your stuff before moving to your new place, you should always keep in mind that packing requires patience and foresight. People often delay packing until the very last minute, which comes with a lot of stress that may damage some of your stuff. There is always rhyme and reason to everything, as much as it might seem a next-to-impossible puzzle. Here are some tips on how to start packing when moving to a new place.

IMAGE CREDIT: Image via Adobe Stock, by Vasyl

What You Need to do Before you Start Packing

Before you can even think of putting anything in a box, you should make sure that all your household stuff is ready to be wrapped and transferred into those boxes. Accordingly, avoid starting to pack before you catalog all your household belongings.


Plan ahead

Moving experts often say that planning ahead is the best way to get started. As a general rule, you need to give yourself enough time to prepare. This is more important if you have things that require special attention. For instance, things like boats, antique furniture, and cars require more time to prepare before moving them. Accordingly, if you have something like a motorbike, you may want to compare rates before settling for a professional mover. So, when planning for a move, keep in mind everything you have to pack for relocation. Set aside enough time to get everything sorted out for packing.


Get some packing supplies

Now that you know everything you want to move, you will know the packing supplies you need. This is where you buy those bubble wraps, moving boxes, newspapers, and duct tape. You can save money by getting some of these pieces of stuff, for instance, moving boxes at a local store near you.


Keep what you need, discard what you don’t

Sorting out items is an essential step in packing. Definitely, there are things you don’t need and what you must have with you in your new place. A grave mistake would be packing everything without sorting them out. Create a moving checklist to decide what to pack, what to sell, donate, or throw away.


Start packing

You have your packing supplies, you have a checklist of what to pack, and you have packing tips ready. So, why not start packing?

First, start with what you do not need before moving out. In most cases, experts advise that you start with the basement or attic. Additionally, pack all kitchen appliances you do not intend to use and all other off-season items in your house.

Then, pack all your valuables and documents in special moving boxes. Days before you move, start packing your clothes, shoes, and kitchenware. Also, remember not to pack everything lest you plan to move immediately. Leave some stuff you can use for the remaining days before moving. These should include food and some clothes.


The Bottom Line

As a rule of thumb, you should always start by packing the things you do not intend to use until after moving to your new place. With that said, remember to pack the last everything you need before moving, and to make moving less stressful, you can hire a mover to handle some tasks for you.

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