Tips And Advice Stuff

4 Signs You’re Exercising Too Much During Lockdown & How To Tone It Down

The past couple of months have been rough, what with a global pandemic that has forced most of the world’s population into a glorified house arrest. If there is one silver lining, it’s the motivation to work out and maintain your health. 

With fewer ways to pass the time and less stress to deal with – here’s to not going into the office! – exercising no longer feels like a chore. Instead, it’s something you love to do to stop your daily grind from becoming too monotonous.

However, it’s not all low-calorie smoothies and walks in the sunshine. If you’re part of the 53.3% of Americans who now meet the aerobic activity guidelines on, you could be putting your wellbeing at risk by working out too much. 

Although it sounds absurd, it’s a real thing that can result in pain and a tendency to slide back into bad habits. Here are the signs to watch out for during this lockdown, as well as the solutions.

You’re Injured All The Time

People who never exercised as much as they do now will put the niggling injuries down to overloading the body. Your joints and muscles just aren’t used to the pressure, which is why they aren’t one-hundred percent fit. Plus, the aches and pains are there, but they won’t prevent you from running or taking part in HiiT classes.

While this might be the case for you, it’s not a slam dunk. Mostly, discomfort, no matter how small, is the body’s way of telling you to slow down and rest. Otherwise, the issue will continue to hurt and escalate out of control. estimates the number of people who are experiencing injuries is in the millions, which shows the prevalence of the problem.

If you must continue to work out, recommends taking recovery supplements as they are proven to reduce soreness and make it easier to exercise again. Therefore, you’ll require a shorter rest period and will be quickly back into your routine.

You Can’t Sleep

Conventional wisdom says that working out should improve your quality of sleep. After all, as well as eliminating stress, the intensity of the activity tires you out and makes rest more likely. This is true in several circumstances, yet it isn’t guaranteed. What you might not recognize is that your training regime is forcing you to have sleepless nights.

How can this happen? It happens when you perform HiiT sessions and struggle to drop off at bedtime or extend your bedtime past midnight. High-intensity exercises are a new trend that is excellent at burning fat; however, they also boost your cortisol levels.

As a result, you could be going to bed pumped up from the session and more anxious than ever. The best option is to keep evening and night time workout programs to a minimum for the sake of your mental health. If you’re going to exercise at a high-intensity, make sure you do it before seven o’clock to give your body time to recover.

You’re Losing Too Much Weight

Dropping a few pounds is a universal goal since being slimmer is easier on the eye and has tons of health benefits. Most people would kill for a physique that naturally sheds fat as it’s the hardest thing to do from a lifestyle perspective.

Of course, weight loss isn’t always positive, not if you’re too thin or didn’t plan on losing the weight. In that case, your body is overloading from your fitness sessions. Plus, working out means keeping tabs on your diet, so there’s a chance you’re not getting enough nutrients.

The trick is to switch your target areas. Cardio is great for losing weight, and so is lifting weights, but adding resistance will help you build mass and tone-up your frame. Also, another great option is to indulge. Eating junk food now and again highlights that you don’t have to live like a saint to be healthy.

You Get Email Props

App-based exercise sessions are all the rage because you can perform them at any time in any location. As long as you have your phone handy, there are zero accessibility restrictions. A side feature of these apps is that they email you to keep you informed of your progress.

A glance at your data will tell you everything you need to know about your training habits. Exercising four or five times a week is fine, but working out every day without a break isn’t a healthy long-term goal.

You’ll only become fatigued, ill and prone to injuries. Aren’t the reasons you work out to prevent these things from happening?

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