Tips And Advice Stuff

Painful PC? 5 Ways To Make Using Your Computer Easier

Do you spend a lot of time at your computer each day? Parts of your body will likely start to ache after a while. Many folks need to use a desktop system for most of their work each day, which means a lot of time sitting around in virtually the same position.

As you might expect, some people will end up getting aches and pains in their wrists, necks, and backs. You’re likely here today reading this blog post because you’re suffering from those problems too. And you’re wondering what you can do about those issues.


You don’t need to give up your job or even change your career. That’s because there are ways to improve how you use your computer and how you sit at your desk. Take a look at these five examples for some inspiration:

1. Buy a comfortable mouse and keyboard

The first thing to do is look at the mouse and keyboard you use. Were they designed with ergonomics in mind, or are they just the standard ones that came with your computer? If the latter is true, it’s time to invest in some new hardware.

You can buy a mouse that fits better and comfortably around your hand. If you use either hand with your mouse, did you know you can purchase ambidextrous mice? There’s plenty of choices out there, so choose a mouse that fits your hand well and doesn’t cause it to ache.

As for keyboards, there are various models on the market that have wrist rests. It’s worth buying one of those to help prevent problems like carpal tunnel syndrome.

2. Upgrade to an ergonomic office chair

Once you’ve got your mouse and keyboard woes sorted out, it’s time to pay attention to your seating arrangements. Quite often, computer users complain of back and neck pains because they sit in an uncomfortable chair.

When looking at new chairs, only consider ergonomic office chairs. That’s because they get designed with comfort and posture in mind for computer users.

3. Elevate your screen

Did you know that looking down at a computer monitor is another cause of neck ache? Your computer monitor should be at eye level – i.e., directly ahead of you. It’s possible to buy monitor stands to raise the level of your screen.

Alternatively, if you’re a keen DIYer, you could always build a simple monitor stand out of wood.

4. Gets your eyes tested

Do you find that when you use a computer for long periods, you feel tired because you always have to focus on the screen? If so, you likely need corrective glasses or a new prescription for your existing ones.

5. Adjust the distance to your monitor

Last but not least, you should check that your computer monitor isn’t spaced too far away from your face. You may find that bringing your screen closer to you can make it significantly easier to read small fonts.

Good luck!

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