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Animation Monday: Corner Gas Animated


In Canada, there was a very popular sitcom that was made and aired there.  The series was called Corner Gas, and the show was about a roadside gas station in the fictional town of Dog River, Saskatchewan.  The show focuses on the lifestyle of small-town folk; though set in a small town in Saskatchewan, and the day-to-day interactions of the residents of Dog River.  The show ran for six seasons, and was very popular!

Now, there is an animated version of the popular sitcom.  The animated series is the same format as the live-action show, but the animated version can do stranger and more unrealistic things than the live-action version could not have depicted or filmed.  Mostly all of the cast from the original show does voice roles on the animated version.  And so far the animated version has done well ratings wise.  The premiere episode was the highest rated show ever on The Comedy Network in Canada.

Now, one question I need to ask.  When is Corner Gas Animated coming to the United States either on TV or streaming online?  I have seen an episode via Daily Motion, and I thought the animation was really well done with some weird plots.  The animated version of Corner Gas captures the same spirit as the live-action version.  And I have enjoyed the one episode I watched illegally.  Anyways, I would tell you where to watch a cartoon at this point, but I can’t since Corner Gas Animated is so far not in the United States.  Hope it comes soon though!  Catch the trailer below!

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