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Convention Tuesdays: Frolicon, Atlanta Game Fest 31, Burton Bar Crawl, Southern Steampunk Expo 2018


Welcome to Convention Tuesdays! Every Tuesday, I will feature and highlight conventions happening during the upcoming weekend in Alabama, or within short driving distances from Alabama.

May 17-20 — Frolicon — Atlanta, Georgia

Frolicon is the unique juxtaposition of the geek and kink worlds celebrated in glorious fashion in the heart of downtown Atlanta. Each Spring we celebrate our unique sense of fun and frivolity with 2000 of our closest friends. What’s your poison? We’ve got it all. Kink. Gaming. Burlesque. Music. Costuming. Parties. Lots and lots of parties.

At Frolicon we pride ourselves on providing a safe and comfortable place where you can be you. With tracks of programming with focuses on LGBTQIA, erotica and sci-fi/fantasy authors, photography, dance, polyamory, psychology, and so much more we are positive that you’ll find your happy place and maybe discover a few new ones. See you in the Spring!

Learn more at:

May 17-20 — Atlanta Game Fest 31 — Atlanta, Georgia

Boardgame fans from across the Southeast gather for four days of fun and games. Hundreds of the world’s best boardgames are available for play, as well as friendly folks who can help with the rules. Events include a large selection of Play & Win games, the Southeast Regional Boardgaming Championships, Demo Alley and a Flea Market.

Learn more at:

May 19 — Burton Bar Crawl — Atlanta, Georgia

SAVE THE DATE!! Do you enjoy the signature dark works of filmmaker Tim Burton? Do you just love all of his strange and unusual characters? Are you YOURSELF strange and unusual?  Dress up and pay homage to your favorite Burton movie characters (there are a ton to pick from!) or, heck, throw on your favorite “Nightmare Before” shirt or other Burton inspired outfit and join your fellow freaks and geeks in Atlanta as hundreds crawl through participating pubs for an event like no other.

Learn more at:

May 19–20 — Southern Steampunk Expo — Gulfport, Mississippi

Our Southern Steampunk Expo will be a themed event with tons of entertainment! Come join the creative Cosplay community as they show off their creations with live workshops filled with tips and tricks on how you, too, can join in on the adventure of a world that could have been!  Sit and listen while our speakers share their love and knowledge of costuming and other aspects to bring their characters to life!

Compete in our costume contest, hosted by Hashtag Cosplay, Niresse Cosplay, and RedTop Cosplay! (All ages welcome)  Have photos taken of your adventures in the saloon from Magnificent 7!  Climb aboard the train from the movie Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, and take advantage of all of the other fun props that will be at the event location!  Stick around for the live entertainment by Professor Pinkerton and the New Orleans Steam Cog Orchestra! (18+ only)

Learn more at:

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