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Good News Fridays: Homeless To Valedictorian


Don’t ever give up, no matter what situation you are in!  That message sums up Griffin Furlong out of Florida.  You see, Griffin has had a tough life, when he was 6 years old, Griffin’s mother passed away from leukemia.  Shortly thereafter, he became homeless.  Griffin has gone through various homeless shelters, where he also endured periods of his life where his family was starving and barely able to survive.  He moved from Kentucky to Florida with his family in the 6th grade, and relied on extended family for help.  The rental house they were staying at was also a struggle, and they had little to eat and some family members were abused.

Sadly, Griffin became homeless began, right before his high school and AP finals.  He bounced around with a girlfriend’s house and was taken in by his aunt and uncle.  And here is the great news!  Griffin Furlong is going to graduate from First Coast High School with a 4.65 GPA and is class valedictorian.  He is going to be class valedictorian, and graduate with his class, without a permanent home.  Griffin is going to go to Florida State University to study civil engineering, and has gotten a little money for expenses, plus a small housing discount.  But sadly, all of the scholarships he has applied for, he has not heard back or has been turned down.  They are hoping he will get scholarships, and after the story has gone viral, here’s hoping that will happen!  But there is another way that you can help!

Currently, there is a Go Fund Me account set up for Griffin Furlong.  So far, over $60,000 has been raised!  And if you want to help, go to:

Good luck Griffin Furlong, and know that you are going to do great at Florida State!

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