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The Entire Cartoon Universe


I found this awesome Kickstarter project that has already have enough funding to be funded on September 16th.  Ray Sumser from New York has been working on a mural of the entire cartoon universe called “The Characternity” for a couple of months now.  And this looks so amazing!  He has done extensive research and in the mural you will find cartoon characters from pop culture in TV, movies, comic books, internet, games, books, and even from company advertising.  You know that your drawing has to be good when Adult Swim mentions it!

Ray Sumser is currently running a Kickstarter campaign to raise funding to finish this masterpiece.  And if you pledge some money, there are some great rewards like a print of the piece and a chance to suggest a character for the project.  Check out a progress shot of the mural taken on September 14th.  Click on the link to zoom in to the mural.


You have until 10:59pm on Sunday September 16th to pledge funding to this project.  Go to to pledge funding right now!  I would love to pledge some funding to this project but being unemployed for 14 months takes a toll on you!

For more information on Ray Sumser go to:

By the way I might be entering the Kickstarter world very soon!  Click on my drawings link below to learn what I do.  Yes I do think road drawings can be cool!

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